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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

Naslov:British literature 1640-1789 : A critical reader / edited by Robert Demaria, Jr
Impresum:Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , cop. 1999
Materijalni opis:xii, 370 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Blackwell Critical Readers
Napomena:Str. 348: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost * 18. stoljeće * Velika Britanija * Engleska * Milton, John * Marvell, A. * Dryden, J.,Rochester J.,W. * Defoe, Daniel * Hume, David * Johnson, Samuel * Leapor, M. * Rawson, C. * Perry, R. * Perkins, D. * Bruyn F., de * Castle, T. * Haggerty, G. E. * Landry, D. * Potkay, A. * Barash, C. * Deutsch, H. * Lund, R. D. * DeLuna, D. N. * Weinbrot, H. * Rawson, C. * Gallagher, C. * Greene, T. M. * Achinstein, S. * Norbrook, D.
Sažetak:1. "Aeropagitica", Censorship, and the Early Modern Public Sphere / David Norbook. -2. Milton and the Fit Reader / Sharon Achinstein. -3. The Balance of Power in Marwell's "Horatian Ode" / Thomas M. Greene. -4. "Oroonoko's" Blackness / Catherine Gallagher. -5. Lordla Accents: Rochester's Satire / Claude Rawson. -6. Dryden's "Anne Killigrew": Towrds a New Pindarid Political Ode / Howard Weinbrot. -7. Ironic Monologue and "Scandalous "Ambo-dexter" Conformity" in Defoe's "The Shortest Way with the Dissenters" / D. N. DeLuna. -8. Strange Compocotoes: Atheism and Conspiracy in "A Tale of A Tub" / Roger D. Lund. -9. "The Rape of the Lock" as Miniature Epic / Helen Deutsch. -10. Annd Finch: Gender, Politics, and Myths of the Private Self / Carol Barash. -11. The Spirit of Ending in Johnson and Hume / Adan Potkay. -12. Mary Leapor Laughs at the Fathers: Reading "Crumble-Hall" / Donna Landry. -13."O Lachrymarum Fons": Tears, Poetry, and Desire in Gray / George E. Haggerty. -14. The Culture of Travesty: Sexuality and Masquerade in Eighteen-Century England / Terry Castle. -15. Theater and Counter-Theater in Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France" / Frans De Bruyn. -16. Cowper's Hares / David Perkins. -17. Colonizing the Breast: Sexuality and Maternity in Eighteen-Century England / Ruth Perry. -18. Unparodying and Forgery: The Augustan Chatterton / Claude Rawson
Ostali autori / urednici:DeMaria Jr, Robert
Signatura:821.111.09 BRIT
Inventarni broj:99/199
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):DeMaria, Robert
Naslov:The Language of Grammar / Robert DeMaria
Impresum:New York : The Macmillan Company , 1963
Materijalni opis:ix, 115 str. ; 22 cm
Ključne riječi:engleski jezik * gramatika
Signatura:AN 802.0-5 DEM L
Inventarni broj:8275
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(DeMaria Robert )
